Tag: Funding

Visa Support for IMG Doctors in Training (DiTs)


If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.


If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

If your general practice surgery is struggling with GP recruitment and retention issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation can be part of the solution.

Please contact our GP EDI Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

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It’s no secret that there are GP recruitment and retention issues in BNSSG primary care. If your general practice surgery is struggling with these issues, becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation may be part of the solution.

As a Visa Sponsoring Organisation, your practice can sponsor and employ IMG DiTsInternational Medical Graduate Doctors in Training – from overseas, through the Skilled Worker visa programme (formerly known as Tier 2 visa sponsorship). Engagement with this programme provides a range of benefits.

For instance, did you know that the training period for IMG DiTs is shorter than it once was? As such, work visas are required sooner to support them in staying in the UK, where their skills and talents can be put to use supporting our patient population. Skilled Worker visas can help to plug this gap.

Consider becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation — and to help you through the process of doing so, we have an EDI GP Fellow in post, Dr. Shital Godbole.

For more information on how to become a Visa Sponsoring Organisation and why ypu should consider doing so, please expand the boxes below.

If you’d like to discuss further, please contact Dr. Godbole, and she’ll arrange a 1:1 meeting with you.

How does my practice become a Visa Sponsoring Organisation?

General practice surgeries can apply to become a Visa Sponsoring Organisation through the government’s website. Before applying, we advise you get in touch with our EDI GP Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, to discuss in a 1:1 meeting. Shital can be reached at shital.godbole@nhs.net.

Severn Deanery has helpfully produced a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) around the process – as it relates to practice surgeries in particular – with links to further resources and reading attached.

Please note: funding is available to reimburse costs –​ 100% for small organisations and 50% for large organisations. Please contact Shital for further information.

Government webpage on becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation:

Severn Deanery’s list of FAQs:

What are the benefits of becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation?

There are various reasons to consider becoming a Visa Sponsoring Organisation, including:

  • We are in the midst of an unprecedented recruitment crisis, with it having become very difficult to identify and employ new GPs
  • An increasing proportion of GP Trainees are IMGs, who require Skilled Worker visas to remain in the UK
  • The training period for DiTs is shorter, so work visas are needed sooner to keep IMGs in the UK
  • GPs from a wider range of backgrounds will be interested in and able to work at your practice if it’s a Visa Sponsoring Organisation, which will further boost your practice’s marketability
  • It’s cost-effective: funding is available to reimburse costs – 100% for small organisations and 50% for large organisations *
  • Staff retention will be improved, as GPs won’t be forced to leave your practice for reasons outside of your / their control, and will see that you’re proactively interested in keeping them
  • GPs from a more varied range of backgrounds will be able to work at your practice, thereby supporting Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) targets

For more information about any of the above (* including available funding), please contact our EDI GP Fellow, Dr. Shital Godbole, to discuss in a 1:1 meeting. Shital can be reached at shital.godbole@nhs.net.​​

Continued Professional Development (CPD) Funding for 2023 / 24


The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.

Following the Spending Review settlement for 2023 / 24, NHS England (NHSE) have confirmed the arrangements for continued professional development (CPD) funding for 2023 / 24.

The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.

The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.


The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.

Following the Spending Review settlement for 2023 / 24, NHS England (NHSE) have confirmed the arrangements for continued professional development (CPD) funding for 2023 / 24.

The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.

The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per clinician, with the following roles being eligible: Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and Occupational Therapists (OTs).

Please contact our TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager, Nina Brown, at nina.brown5@nhs.net.

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Following the Spending Review settlement for 2023 / 24, NHS England (NHSE) have confirmed the arrangements for continued professional development (CPD) funding for 2023 / 24.

This investment will provide eligible clinicians with funding to further their personal professional development, and will support system and population health priorities. The ultimate aim is to support the NHS by building the skills and expertise of our workforce, who are vital to both services and communities.

This funding is a one-year offer for the financial year 2023 / 24, following on from the previous three years of funding. Allocations for this year have been calculated using 2020 ESR headcount data, which may mean this value is slightly different from last year’s allocation.

For more information, please expand the boxes below.
When ready, click Apply for Funding below to access the CPD Funding application form.

How much funding is available?

The allocation for this financial year will be £333.33 per person.

What if learners wish to undertake a module that costs over £333.33?

Please note that the funding allocation is up to a maximum of £333.33; we do not have access to funding beyond this amount.

If the course exceeds £333.33, learners may wish to:

  • Selffund
  • Request practice funding
  • Apply for educational grants from other organisations, such as the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) or Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to liaise with other organisations on learners’ behalf.

Can it be used to fund PCN training for eligible individuals?

Practices can use allocated funds to best suit the continued professional development (CPD) needs of their eligible employees. They may decide to use it as individual practices, for individual employees, or group the money together for use as a PCN.

Which employees can this money be used for?

This money is for the following roles, provided individual learners are employed by PCNs or practices in BNSSG:

  • Nurses
  • Nurse Associates (NAs)
  • Paramedics
  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists
  • Dietitians
  • And Occupational Therapists (OTs)

Does the education need to be accredited?

No, funds can be used for any accredited or non-accredited professional development. This can include virtual or face-to-face training, events, conferences, and university or other Higher Education Institute (HEI) modules. The education does need to be relevant to the role and in line with the needs of the practice / PCN, however.

Please note: you should not utilise CPD funding for statutory and mandatory training, or backfill of staff.

Here are some examples of how learners may wish to use their allocation:

  • NB Medical / Red Whale subscriptions
  • Level 3 / M study at a HEI for individual employees with identified learning need(s)
  • Group education within a practice or PCN, in accordance with identified learning need(s) — this could cover topics like:
    • “Recognising the sick child”
    • Sexual and reproductive healthcare
    • Women’s health and menopause
    • Mental health
    • Long-term condition updates

Practices may have already put some of their budget for this financial year towards education, since April 2023; if so, practices can reclaim this funding retroactively, but will need to provide the following information:

  • The role(s) of the individual(s) who were trained
  • The course they attended
  • The name of the provider
  • The cost

What is the application process?

1. Learners should seek approval from their practice / line manager

2. Complete the CPD Funding application form

3. Check the availability of proposed learning

4. When funding has been approved, the practice should pay the provider directly and invoice BNSSG Training Hub (we will send invoicing instructions in the funding confirmation email)

If one person doesn't want to use their funding, can it be transferred to another person?

Unfortunately, learners cannot transfer their allocated funds to another individual. If the relevant practice / PCN wishes to hold group education sessions, other clinicians can attend if from the eligible roles.

For example:
A practice wishes to hold a menopause training event for eligible Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). The cost of the training is £666.66. There is no maximum headcount, so you may deem it suitable for ineligible staff (such as GPs, Physician Associates (PAs), and Clinical Pharmacists) to attend.

You must provide specific information if you wish to run group sessions, to be emailed to Nina Brown (TH PCN Support & Education Development Manager) for authorisation. The following information, specifically, must be disclosed:

  • The role of the eligible individual(s)
  • The course content
  • The provider’s name
  • The cost

Funded Red Whale Courses for GPs | Application window closed

Photo from Usman Yousaf 2

Thank you for your interest in this offer; we have received an enormous volume of interest, far more than we can offer places for, unfortunately, and so have decided to close the application window for this opportunity.

Please keep an eye out for for any future offers!

Thank you and best wishes,
The BNSSG Training Hub Team

BNSSG Training Hub is delighted to once again be able to offer a limited number of funded places for GPs on Red Whale’s GP Update NOW Spring / Summer 2022 Course. Delegates will have access to this course, and Red Whale’s renowned GPCPD knowledge database, for 12 months.

This one-day course will provide a fast-paced and engaging overview of what’s new and important for primary care, including new updates from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) on:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease (how the e.G.F.R. model and ALPHA can help!)
  • ME / CFS
  • Sleep apnoea syndrome
  • C.Difficile
  • Diabetes

This course will cover new ways to understand key topics, too:

  • Heart failure
  • Obesity: monitoring after bariatric surgery
  • Constipation in children
  • Miscarriage
  • Lung cancer in non-smokers
  • COPD: malnutrition

This wholly online course, usually joinable for £155.00, is worth 6 CPD points.

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          CPD Plenary

          Photo by Rohan Makhecha
          A free, 30-minute Q&A session on CPD funding in BNSSG

          As part of the government’s pledge to secure a sustainable future for the NHS through the Long Term Plan, in September 2019 the Chancellor allocated £1,000 contributions towards the CPD of specific healthcare professionals working in general practice.

          In conjunction with Avon LMC, BNSSG Training Hub will be holding a Q&A session for PCN CDs and practice management staff on how to access and use 2021 / 22 funding. Free to attend, and to be held virtually, this session will be on Thursday 17th June, from 13.30 to 14.00. Provided you feel it is appropriate for you, you are welcome to join this session even if you do not identify as a member of practice management staff.

          To register your interest in joining, please contact zach.barber@nhs.net.

          Recent news

          Protected: Podiatrists

          All about nursing associates

          First Steps into Nursing

          Five live webinars for college and school leavers, this July

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          Streaming live, from Ashton Gate

          General Practice CPD Funding


          How to Apply

          Funding Stream Diagram

          Funding Eligibility

          Professional Development Advice



          One of BNSSG Training Hub’s core functions is, with a mandate and funding from HEE, to support the recruitment, retention, and development of the local primary care workforce; this can be achieved, in part, by enabling members of the primary care workforce to access and complete the CPD courses and training that they want and need.

          We are committed to seeing that all nurses and allied health professionals (AHPs) in BNSSG have access to the £1,000 personal development budget announced back in September 2019, as part of a funding boost for frontline NHS staff. Through this budget, nurses and AHPs may receive up to £1,000 worth of funding over three years, to be put towards their continuing professional development (CPD).

          This page will elaborate on how this funding is secured and distributed, and how you can access your allocated amount.

          Funding Eligibility

          To be eligible for funding from the personal development budget, you must be a member of one of the following roles:

          • Advanced Nurse Practitioners
          • Extended Role Practice Nurses
          • Nurse Dispensers
          • Nursing Partners
          • Nurse Specialists
          • Practice Nurses
          • Nursing Associates
          • Paramedics
          • Podiatrists
          • Physiotherapists
          • Therapists

          Additionally, you must:

          • Be employed by a practice or PCN in Bristol, North Somerset, or South Gloucestershire
          • Request funding for an education / training package which is relevant to your role and in-line with the needs of your practice or PCN
          • Have the approval of your line manager to complete said education / training package

          Below are several frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the personal development budget and attendant funding:

          Which settings must staff be employed in to be eligible for CPD funding?

          Staff in the following settings are eligible for funding*:

          • General practice
          • Ambulance Trusts
          • Foundation Trusts
          • NHS Trusts

          *The Training Hub only deals with enquiries from staff working in general practice, however.

          Staff working in the following settings are excluded from funding:

          • Arm’s-length bodies
          • CCGs
          • Independent sector (inc. orgs that deliver NHS services)
          • Social care
          • Social enterprises
          Is CPD funding available to nursing associates?

          CPD funding is available to all registered nursing roles.

          What about nurses within federations, as they do not submit onto NHS Digital. How are staff employed on behalf of PCNs and practices considered?

          Eligible staff are those working in general practice, and this is in the guidance. The colleagues referred to in the question, although employed on behalf of the PCN, will normally report to NHS Digital via their lead GP practice as part of their workforce return.

          Paramedics are AHPs -- won't it be difficult to exclude them?

          Paramedics are included and are part of the Health & Care Professions Council’s (HCPC) AHP list.

          For more information on the HCPC’s standards for CPD, please click here.

          Can CPD funding be used as part payment for a more expensive programme?

          If a learning need is evidenced and approved as part of the CPD investment plan, then CPD funding can be used as part payment, yes.

          We have recently completed a Training Needs Analysis across our practice / PCN -- will this suffice?

          This would require agreement across all practices, the PCN, and the Training Hub. It would be dependent on the training needs analysis being current and relevant.

          Does training need to be accredited, non-accredited, or experiential for CPD funding to be considered?

          All are eligible.

          As we are starting CPD mid-year, can monies be claimed for CPD activity which has already taken place within the financial year?

          Yes, but this would need to be evidenced within the application as an identified learning need for a personal development plan.

          Will Training Hubs be expected to provide payments to training providers directly, rather than PCNs / practices?

          Funding will stream from the Training Hub to PCNs. Applications from eligible members of the workforce will be summarised at PCN level.

          Where significant demand is identified for a particular course, the Training Hub may procure at scale based on agreement with the PCN(s). If programmes are procured by the Training Hub, payment will be made directly to the provider.

          Is a proportion of this CPD allocation utilised for Training Hub administration costs?

          None of the CPD funding will be used to cover Training Hub administration costs. The administration of CPD monies is a core function of Training Hubs, and as such, administration will be absorbed through infrastructure funding.

          How does the allocated amount per CCG translate into everyone having access to their CPD amount?

          Funding has been allocated down to an individual level using NHS Digital returns. Consideration must be given that CPD funding has been allocated on a ‘point-in-time’ basis. This may not include every member of the current primary care teams, due to workforce movement and incomplete data returns.

          Practices are encouraged to complete future data returns to enable more accurate payments in future financial years. If support is required, STP-level Training Hubs can facilitate.

          Can monies not spent in-year be carried over?

          All CPD monies must be allocated and paid to PCNs / CCGs in-year. The STP-level Training Hub cannot carry CPD funds over into the next financial year.

          Will PCNs be responsible for how the CPD funding is spent and administered?

          Yes, however PCNs should work with their local Training Hub to develop investment plans.

          What happens if staff move during the financial year?

          Any funding previously allocated cannot be reclaimed from the individual leader. This CPD funding is excluded from any existing learning & development financial / contractual arrangements. This CPD funding has been allocated regionally by Health Education England (HEE) and no instruction to re-claim monies because of staff movement has been made.

          Will personal information be collected and shared?

          The Training Hub will be asking for personal staff information to ensure that CPD funds are utilised appropriately, and as agreed. Personal information will be shared with the individual’s PCN for the purpose of confirming funding; it will not be shared with any other party, however.

          Aggregate, anonymised information will be shared with Health Education England (HEE) to secure release of funding.

          How will personal information be shared while ensuring that GDPR / IG requirements are met?

          Personal information will be shared with PCNs by the Training Hub to provide assurances that CPD funds are being distributed fairly. All stakeholders will be responsible for ensuring that GDPR / Information Governance processes are followed, and that personal details are not shared where staff have not consented.

          Professional Development Advice

          If you would like to talk about your career trajectory and the venues open to you, the Training Hub is here to help you; our ACP Lead, Kerri Magnus, and our Placement Expansion Lead, Kim Ball, are available to meet on a 1:1 basis for 15-30 minutes, to discuss their individual goals and those of their practice / PCN. Line managers are also welcome to book a slot.

          To make an appointment, please contact:

          Kerri at kerri.magnus2@nhs.net
          Kim at kim@almc.co.uk

          How to Apply

          If you have any further questions, please speak to Kerri Magnus.

          Funding Stream Diagram

          The diagram below elaborates on the process by which the Training Hub collects the necessary information from primary care networks (PCNs) and GP practices to sign-off on funding for individual staff members.

          For a downloadable PDF version, please click on the diagram.

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