Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications

Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications

Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications

SeptemberSep 30 2020 16:00

Newly-qualified GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes

Healthier Together and BNSSG Training Hub are thrilled to present the NHS England & NHS Improvement Newly Qualified GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes for Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire.

Open to all newly-qualified GPs and GPNs, this programme will help you to learn and develop, thereby boosting your confidence and, ultimately, aiding you forge an enjoyable, fulfilling, and sustainable career path through general practice.

You will be offered personalised support, via:

  • Monthly meetings with a GP / GPN mentor (depending on your own profession, of course)
  • A peer group of like-minded fellows
  • Paid and protected CPD time -- for 4 hours per week pro-rata -- this time will include self-directed work; we encourage fellows to use it to undertake projects within their PCN or the wider system, and to pursue their career development goals

  • Coaching opportunities -- GPs will have access to four remote coaching sessions, which they will be able to take up at any point of their choosing, and GPNs will receive funding for a two-year membership with the Royal College of Nursing
  • And more...*

There is no competitive application process, and we will endeavour to place all GPs and GPNs, subject to available funding. All applications must be sent to Jessie Saul, at, by Wednesday 30 September, 2020.

* For more information, please make sure to download the relevant information pamphlet, both of which are available as attachments below.

  • NHS England & NHS Improvement
    Organizer of Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications
    NHS England & NHS Improvement have formed a single organisation, intended to support the NHS and help improve care for patients.
  • BNSSG Training Hub
    Organizer of Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications
    Funded by Health Education England, the Hub's role is to unite and support all members of primary, community, social, and voluntary care within Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire.
  • Healthier Together
    Organizer of Deadline: GP / GPN Fellowship Programmes applications
    Healthier Together represents a commitment to work together on improving health and care in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. The Partnership is about tackling the issues that matter most and finding ways to continue providing safe, high-quality care for generations to come.

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