GPN Well-being & Peer Support Group

GPN Well-being & Peer Support Group

Photo by Neil Thomas
Need a helping hand?

“It’s not always about getting or giving advice. It’s also about having a safe space to get things off our chest and occasionally sharing a laugh about it all!” (Mind, 2020)

BNSSG Training Hub is pleased to offer a monthly 1- / 1.5-hour online peer support group for those new to general practice nursing. This session will be limited to 4 places on a first-come, first-serve basis, but we welcome all expressions of interest as we endeavour to provide further sessions soon.

The initial session will be running on a Thursday afternoon, once a month, with the final date to be confirmed, and it will be facilitated by a clinician with a special interest in the health and well-being of health professionals.

What is peer support?

Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. It comes in different forms, but they all aim to:

  • Bring people with shared experiences together, to support one another
  • Provide a safe environment wherein you feel accepted and understood
  • Treat everyone’s experiences as equally important
  • Involve both giving and receiving support

The benefits include:

  • Having the opportunity to reflect
  • Building resilience and improving well-being
  • Sharing your own experiences, new ideas, best practice, and research
  • Making links with other professionals and having the opportunity to build supportive networks

For more information, please contact Kim Ball, one of our GPNEs, at

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